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| 1 minute read

The Dos and Don'ts of Video Content

With YouTube now the number 2 search engine in the world, it’s more important than ever for your business to consider investing time and energy into video content. It doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive, the internet is full of guides on how to shoot on a budget.

However, whether you undertake the task yourself, or hire someone, here are a few things you should bear in mind:

  • Don’t simply translate existing content (i.e an infographic or an article). Treat video as a separate project.
  • Make sure there’s a narrative. There are plenty of exceptions to this rule, but it’s generally a good idea to create a story arc in your video, however basic, to walk your customer through.
  • Don’t cram in too many ideas into one video. Simplicity is key: focus on one call to action. If you have several in mind, create multiple videos!
  • Sound is as important as visuals. If you are shooting on a smartphone, buy a separate mic because your video will be useless if no one can hear your speakers.
  • Have you thought about a soundtrack? Several websites offer royalty-free music, such as the FMA.
  • Your video doesn’t need to be funny to go viral. Tapping into a different emotional response will make it stand out in the sea of videos.

We live in an age when consumers have more choices than ever before, with more brands and products competing for their attention across a growing number of devices. A war is underway for consumers’ share of mind and wallet. This isn’t a bleak view...rather, an exciting one! This uber-competitive climate offers new opportunities: consumers are more connected than ever before and able to immediately act on an advertiser’s message, whether at home, at work or on the go. These new technologies provide additional opportunities to reinforce product messaging and build a connection with consumers anytime and anywhere.

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video content