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Humans vs Robots in content creation

We've said it on this blog many times, when it comes to creating content for your business, you should always give preferential treatment to those working in your business. Some companies will hire ghost-writers to create content, but their efforts rarely ring true, as they don't know the business inside out like your experts do.

When looking to the future, it's not unimaginable that these same companies might go one step further, and hope to replace their writers with robots.

Unless your staff are all now actual robots, I wouldn't recommend that route. The future might prove both Jay Acunzo (author of the article linked to below) and me wrong though!

I’ve used the term craft  when describing the one painfully obvious part of content marketing that brands and marketers bizarrely overlook or shy away from – the more creative the humans behind the content, the better the piece. Or said in a more pithy way: The robots haven’t replaced the writers, no matter how much brands wish this was a technology problem, not a hiring problem. And just like any endeavor in which giving a damn is a separating factor, there’s a certain level of craftsmanship behind this style of content marketing. Unfortunately, because we want to automate everything and because we don’t understand (or perhaps don’t care to understand) fluffy notions like creativity, we wind up hurting our own causes.

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