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How to write blog posts for conversions

Great blog by Alex Bashinsky on how to better approach writing blog posts with the aim of converting visitors.

The main takeaways are:

  • Learn your audience's painpoints (what problems do they have? what do they need?)
  • Conversions aren't necessarily sales, the metric could be file downloads, newsletter sign ups, video views, etc.
  • Pay attention to formatting: make your blog easy and attractive to read.
  • Place your call to action (CTA) strategically - not necessarily at the end of the blog.
  • Don't forget to test and optimize your blog post after it's been published to see what works best.

Click through below to read the full article!

Let’s face it. Your primary purpose in writing blog posts is not to capture Facebook “likes” or get ranked. You’re writing a blog for strategic business purposes. You want the content to achieve something. You want to increase your conversions – to put a direct value on the time invested in blogging.

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conversions, blog