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Reposted from Talent and Technology

Second Class Location – keeping in touch with HQ and feeling part of the buzz

As businesses get more global and remote, it’s critical to ensure everyone feels part of HQ. Increasingly wide time zones can really divide teams and it’s proven that teams need to meet face to face at least every 6 weeks in order to work apart productively. In a world with increasingly more technology to make us feel like we are with one another in person, it can be hard for a company to justify the cost of bringing employees together. Yet the impact of doing this is real. What can you do to ensure all employees feel part of HQ?

1. Invite all new joiners to a company wide Onboarding Programme at HQ in Week 1

2. Ensure everyone visits HQ including temporary team members, not just permanent members of the team

3. Have an annual Kick Off event for the business – so everyone meets each other. People are far more likely to pick up the phone to a face they know

4. Provide all of your new joiners with Starter Stash – hoodies, water bottles, notebooks – it’ll unite them and make them feel part of one company, despite being in different locations

5. Get internal communications sent out across the whole business so everyone knows what’s new and can share company successes

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