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| 3 minute read
Reposted from Top Tips

Get the most info from Twitter via Twitonomy

At our User event a few days ago Dan Connors from Applied Influence Group recommended we use Twitonomy to better understand clients and prospects.

Twitonomy is a simple tool to get detailed and visualised analytics of someone's tweets and their activity on Twitter.  You simply put in their 'handle' and get a page full of data in easy to use formats.

Twitonomy provides you with a summary of a client's or prospect's Twitter activity - how many tweets they've created, how many followers they have, how long they have been on Twitter and how active they are.  All the info displayed can be found in different places within Twitter but here it is neatly displayed all in one page.  

When thinking about how to influence an individual I often look at them on Twitter. Twitonomy offers a better way than just browsing their latest tweets on

First of all, I can tell if the person I am interested in is active.  If they are it tells me this might be a channel I should focus on when contacting them or building my relationship with them.  Twitter is like marmite - people love it or hate it.  If they are on Twitter they are telling to you they love it.  Therefore it is probably worth spending effort interacting with them there rather than calling or emailing them.

To give you a picture of what I am talking about I thought about screen grabbing one of my clients but thought that was weird to share so here are screen grabs of my activity via Twitonomy:

The content of Tweets themselves are interesting and you can see all these really easily on Twitonomy.  Often people share their loves and hates on Twitter (albeit for that moment in time).  By being able to see their tweets and retweets all in one place you can build up a picture of what their passions are, what winds them up, what they celebrate etc.  It is great to see patterns of interest and know the subjects you might want to bring up - or avoid - when you meet or call.

Most interesting for me is who people of interest interact with on Twitter.  This tells me about their network.  Who do they know that I know?  Who do they retweet (ie respect)?  Who do they like? Who don't they like?

On a more tactical level it may well be in my interest to follow the people they retweet the most.  Start sharing moving in the same online circles as they do.  Plus create content around the subjects and individuals I know are most important to them.  

Below you can see the Users I retweet the most.  Many are colleagues (we work as a team on social), some are clients and some are influencers.  The hashtags give a pretty accurate idea of what I am interested in.

What is nice is that for all their reports (and these are just some of the free ones you get) you can download the data points into xls.  I find it easier here to analyse the info.

Give it a go.  Thanks for the recommendation @DanConnors16

Twitonomy: - Get detailed and visual analytics on anyone's tweets, retweets, replies, mentions, hashtags... - Browse, search, filter and get insights on the people you follow and those who follow you - Backup/export tweets, retweets, mentions and reports to Excel & PDF in just one click - Monitor your interactions with other Twitter users: mentions, retweets, favorites... - Get and export Search Analytics on any keywords, #hashtags, URL or @users - Get insights on and download any user's retweeted & favorited tweets - Monitor tweets from your favorite users, lists and keyword searches - Get actionable insights on your followers with Followers Report - Find out easily those you follow but don't follow you back - Download your followers and following lists to Excel - Browse, sort and add/remove people to your lists - Get the list of the followers you don't follow back - Track clicks on the links in your tweets

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