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Mobilegeddon: what can law firms do?

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you will have heard about Google's ranking changes, which penalizes websites that can't be easily browsed or interacted with from a mobile phone. It has been a wake up call for many firms.

As Donna Moore points out in the blog below, while only 10-20% of your traffic is likely to be from mobiles, it's important traffic. If you're searching for something on your phone, the chances are that you need information immediately. Not having a responsive website is a missed opportunity.

Yet, research by Search Star shows that 48 of the top 100 UK law firms do not have mobile friendly websites.

It takes time to update and upgrade websites. For law firms wanting a quick fix in the meantime, I suggest signing up with Passle. Not only is our website mobile friendly, but by creating regular content through us, you'll make yourself look a little less like a dinosaur...

Prior to Mobilegeddon we put together some research looking at the Top 100 Law Firm websites and whether they were ready for the change. We were lucky enough to get our research featured in a piece in The Lawyer with some great quotes supporting our research from Simon Marshall at Osborne Clarke. Yes, you should care about the 10%. Look at Analytics, those people are likely to be looking for information that they need right now. It could be directions, a contact number or the name of a partner and there’s a reason they need it immediately. Don’t penalise the iPhone 6 users of this world for not looking up your number from the comfort of their office. Let’s also consider those that simply want to look your details up at a time and place that’s convenient to them and have the misfortune of choosing a time when their smartphone is the closest device to hand.

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mobilegeddon, mobile responsive