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| 1 minute read

What is Passle?

Passle is the Thought Leadership Platform for Professional Services firms, with workflows that are optimized for their unique needs. 

The video above sets out and explains the four pillars that the service is built on:

  1. Author-centric Publication
  2. Clear Governance
  3. Create Once, Publish Everywhere Distribution
  4. Automated & Relevant Feedback

Passle makes it easy for busy professionals, be they lawyers, consultants, or other advisors, to create online content that demonstrates their expertise and engages their clients. We started out as a commentary blogging tool because it is so time-efficient but now we support all media formats, all of which are usable by the experts.

Since our clients are firms, not individuals, there is a simple, proven governance process that enables timely & auditable approval of posts.

Content created can be published more or less anywhere, whether that be on a client's site, specialist distribution networks, through an employee advocacy tool, a microsite, or an app. A full set of APIs and CMS plugins mean that Passle can be used as a Headless CMS, delivering content wherever it is needed.

Finally, Passle gives individual feedback to the subject-matter specialists on the reach of their posts and the organizations they have influenced through each channel, driving far better engagement and enabling the professionals to understand the return they get on their time invested. 

Through integrations with distribution partner networks such as Lexology, JD Supra and Mondaq, Passle can deliver 'who read what' information directly to the authors - driving more engagement, more posts and more post reads. 

There is, of course, a vast amount that I've not even touched on, so if you'd like to know more, please do get in touch.

Passle makes creating thought leadership simple, scalable & effective.

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passle, content marketing, legal marketing, headless cms, cms, best practice