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Reposted from PM Forum

The bit of brand that's forgotten - employer brand

When people talk about brand or branding for law firms, it's generally from the client perspective. But what about the importance of employer brand?

This is a great article showing how powerful the right message can be for recruiting top talent.

Keystone Law has a crystal clear proposition - "law set free". It means as much, if not more, to potential employees than clients. And it seems to be working.

The result? A workforce of committed, like-minded people who are all working for the same firm for the same reasons. Shared values and a shared ethos at the drop of a hat.


Dispersed firm Keystone Law has made 20 lateral partner and senior lawyer hires in recent months, including a team from Hogan Lovells and former practice heads from firms including Pinsent Masons and Sheridans.

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