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How to Win the Hearts of Generation Y Consumers

Winning the hearts of young consumers is important - they're the ones whose custom you'll be competing for in years to come, and what's more, they'll likely influence the following generation (at least to some degree).  

This article from Entrepreneur suggests a good starting point is to develop connections and foster loyalty through authentic content. Ask yourself, are you doing this effectively?

What content do you currently disseminate, if any? Of the content you do put out, do you consider it authentic, insofar as it being valuable and relevant to your audience? Interestingly, this article also echoes something I always say to clients: do not make your content sales-y. Sales-y content will not pique the interest of your reader, nor engender trust.

A majority of Millennials, 62 percent, have reported that when they see or read about a brand through websites or on social media they feel a connection and loyalty with that company. Additionally, a third of them are willing to buy a product if the brand’s content isn’t sales-y and instead feels authentic and truthful. No matter your specific audience, it’s clear that they are willing to consume your content - just as long as you’re not making a sales pitch and cultivating relationships.

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gen y, brand loyalty