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PRODUCT UPDATE: What's new from Passle?

Named after one of Spain's most beloved beers Cruzcampo, Passle’s latest release is packed with exciting new features and enhancements designed to improve your experience.

All of these features have now been deployed to Passle. If you want to learn more about the updates or have any questions, please feel free to contact the Passle Client Success Team.

Here is a quick overview of our new features and enhancements

Profile/Account Settings & Notifications: New improved design

Firstly, we have moved your profile avatar (how you access your profile) to the bottom of your left-hand navigation on the dashboard. 

We have also introduced a fresh new look and improved functionality to your profile management. With a sleeker user interface and enhanced navigation, it's now easier to edit the crucial parts of your profile. There is also a clear distinction between your account settings and notification space

With significant updates to your notification management, it displays the days and times when certain notifications will be sent to you and clearer descriptions of each notification. These improvements should allow you to have better control over your notification preferences and expectations.

New edit post toolbar features

As well as your standard formatting options, Passle have added some additional features so you can enhance your content. These include adding quotes to the body of your content, superscript/subscript, which allow you to create footnotes/references and accordion groups to help break down complex or long-form content, such as FAQs.

Managing user profiles (Administrators only)

Bulk updates

Administrators can make bulk updates to existing users. You can bulk update the following fields: Job title and Company profile URL.

Profile editing permissions

Having more control over who can edit their profile, administrators are now able to set edit or read-only permissions for all their users.

Fewer Notifications 

Further to client feedback, we have removed some of our outdated notifications that were no longer relevant to our users, decluttering your inbox and reducing dashboard notifications.

Accessibility updates - ‘alt’ tags for featured images

After an internal audit of featured images across Passle. We have added the relevant alt tags and descriptions, taking into consideration the context and function of each image. Where images are sourced from our Getty library or through open graph, we have used the provided image description.

These additional alt tags will benefit users with visual impairments, as they will provide alternative text descriptions that can be read by screen readers, enabling them to understand and navigate your web content more effectively.

Other changes in this update, include minor tweaks to our existing features

  • Updated ‘Get support’ menu
  • Client Connect privacy updates
  • Security improvements: Human verification (replacing reCAPTCHA)
  • Calendar improvements
  • Tag Group enhancements
  • Suggested images for external posts
  • Quick links to partner statistics

If you would like to know more, read our Release Notes:  28 June 2023 - 2.4.10 (Cruzcampo)  which includes a complete list of all new features, enhancements and bug fixes.

And finally, your feedback is crucial in driving our future updates and ensuring that Passle remains a platform that meets your evolving needs. So please don't hesitate to reach out to the Product Team if you have any ideas or suggestions for future updates.

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product updates, passleproduct, marketing