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| 1 minute read

WeWork - our new landlord who helps us with our business

We have just moved into the biggest co-working space in Europe - WeWork Moorgate.  And it's fantastic... and not just because there is free beer on tap.

WeWork have provided an online platform that allows us  to interact with, market to and hear from all the other WeWork tenants (members) - and there are thousands of them.

It's a bit like when I had a Nokia phone and thought "well that's that as far as mobiles go" and then I saw an iPhone.  WeWork have made it possible to easily market to and meet with potential clients who also rent WeWork space around the world.  For us that is valuable.  We have only been here for 4 days and we already have a client from this building.

The game changer is that WeWork do not see us or our neighbours in the building as tenants.  We are members of the WeWork global community.  They provide access to an online membership tool that connects us all together.  We have a 'shop window' to showcase what we sell, a Facebook-like wall to post news on and a direct messenger service to chat with other 'WeWorkers'.  This is a great B2B marketing tool and a great way to request services we need.  Every day there are posts requesting services or asking for recommendations.

These guys have changed the way office space should be sold and the key to it is the way they are using the internet to connect us and allow us to share our content.

The number of companies in our community more than doubled from over 4,000 at the end of 2014 to the now over 9,000 businesses that call WeWork their home. These companies have been paramount to our growth and success. Their energy, creativity, and ambition is palpable and it fuels everything we do.

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