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Content Marketing: more than just results

Below is a lovely little analogy for how some people approach content marketing. Expecting instantaneous results can only lead to disappointment. Nothing like this happens overnight!

Instead of focusing on getting those results, focus on:

  1. Changing mentalities - creating content and sharing your insights should be seen as an opportunity, not an obligation.
  2. Creating the right process for content creation. 
  3. Empower your employees to go out there and create something that is interesting, relevant and fun!
Focusing on the outcome - or what you hope to achieve with your content - is the problem with current content marketing. It’s like being a baseball player, stepping up to the plate saying “Time to get a hit.” You can’t control that outcome. You’re looking at the result, but the result doesn’t just magically appear. What you can control is your approach. Your swing. The pitch you choose to hit. Those are elements of the process, and they’re within your control. Mastering the process leads to a hit. When you execute on the small things that lead to success, the results (or outcome) will follow.


content marketing, marketing strategy