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| 1 minute read

Top 7 most viewed posts

I started regularly posting on the Professional Services Marketing Passle in January, leading to a weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to here.

As we’re coming up to the end of April, I thought it would be interesting to see which posts accrued the most views.

The Top 7:


I was a little surprised by which post was the most viewed actually, as it was a slow burner accruing steady views every day rather than a notable spike. I also expected the personal brand post to rank higher as it felt, at the time, like it had struck a chord with many people. We all have favourites I suppose!

It seems clear that the posts with a writing/blogging angle were the most shared ones. I think this demonstrates how content marketing is at the front of everybody’s mind.

If there is an aspect of content marketing and/or social media marketing that you find particularly difficult, then do let me know in the comments or on twitter (@ctrevien). I’d be more than happy to feature it in a future post….

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