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Big news for Twitter advertising

Twitter has acquired TellApart, an advertising platform that facilitates the creation of consumer profiles to better target adverts across platforms (whether mobile or desktop).

What this essentially means is that Twitter is making its advertising a lot more attractive. You should be able to create consummer profiles, with TellApart predicting their behaviours and locations. Implemented with Twitter, this would allow marketers to use real time data to target their adverts more accurately.

This looks likely to be particularly attractive to retailers. It'll be good to see how this all plays out, the deal is said to be closed by 1st June.

This is where TellApart steps in. The advertising platform help its clients create profiles that predict user behaviours and locations. More specifically, TellApart gives advertisers the option to create anonymous consumer profiles with data retrieved from more than 100 online and offline sources. Moreover, TellApart uses real-time data—via feeds and tags—to update the corresponding profiles and enables advertisers to gain a deeper understanding of their customers. What does this mean? Twitter is basically stepping up its personalisation and segmentation game, aiming to bring relevant and timely ads to its users. Leveraging real-time data, will help the social network identify trends and offer the best possible ad experience in order to secure high conversion rates – and satisfied advertisers.

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