12/2/2017 12:00:00 AM How To Use Twitter Lists for ABM and During Events By Passle Events like the Fujitsu Forum are a great opportunity to network, learn and potentially prospect. Daniel's blog below provides some great...
11/8/2017 12:00:00 AM Longer Tweets for all! 280 characters for everyone By James Barclay You may have seen my post a few weeks ago saying that Twitter was trialling an extension to the number of characters you can use in a...
10/16/2017 12:00:00 AM How do I grow my audience? 6 steps to build a digital community around your brand. By Eugene McCormick Presuming you already have a Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook account, how do you take the step to creating a community around you and your...
9/28/2017 12:00:00 AM #Hashtagspiration: where to find it? By Passle This scenario might be familiar to you: you have a link or image to share online, but when it comes to hashtags, the well of inspiration...
9/27/2017 12:00:00 AM Is 280 characters better than 140? Longer tweets good or bad? By James Barclay Twitter have just announced that it is trialling longer character limits to help Users - increasing the number of characters you can use...
9/18/2017 12:00:00 AM You do not have to like Twitter to make use of it By James Barclay I don't much like Twitter. This will not surprise my clients - I often tell them this just after saying they should use it to share...
8/2/2017 11:47:21 AM 10 tools to measure and grow your personal brand online. By Freddy Dobinson Demonstrating what you know online is an excellent vehicle to position domain expertise. Dr. Robert Cialdini (Prof. Psychology and...
7/20/2017 12:00:00 AM How can you use Passle to maximise opportunities at events? By Passle Here at Passle, we attend events regularly, and we’ve developed a bit of a strategy when it comes to using blogging and social media to...
7/20/2017 12:00:00 AM Not Dead Yet: How Software Companies Still Thrive on Google Plus By Passle I have to admit, I’ve never really taken to Google Plus, as a marketer or personal user. My main reasons are three-fold: There doesn’t...
6/19/2017 12:00:00 AM Summer slump? A great time to sort out your personal branding By Passle In the day to day of working and living, it's easy to forget to keep an eye on the basics and tinker them every so often. Like anything...
5/25/2017 12:00:00 AM 10 steps to level up your personal Twitter profile By Passle I recently shared a document put together by Passle which included 10 steps to become a LinkedIn hero. I also recently created a post...
5/22/2017 3:06:27 PM Brand-Jacking, chicken nuggets and the most re-tweeted tweet of all time. By Passle I absolutely love this story. One man's quest for chicken nuggets has become the most re-tweeted tweet of all time. Even outdoing Ellen...
5/22/2017 7:19:08 AM "Email opens the door for personal online interaction": 5 questions for Shayla Price By Passle I've been reading Shayla Price's excellent content for some time now, so it's a privilege to feature her today as part of the 5 Questions...
5/9/2017 12:00:00 AM 3 steps to transform your personal social media accounts into professional ones By Passle Many of us first started using social media for personal reasons (Twitter, Instagram etc), but as Mike Reader recently pointed out, the...
5/2/2017 12:00:00 AM "We all come to work wanting to do a good job": 5 questions for Richard Thompson By Passle Next up in the Passle content marketing heroes series is Richard Thompson of Byrne Dean. We recorded a podcast last week, which you can...
4/11/2017 12:00:00 AM "You find inspiration in all sorts of places": 5 Questions for Mike Reader By Passle Earlier this month, I shared a link to a podcast in which I asked Mike Reader 5 questions on business strategy and content marketing. You...