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Four ways in which lawyers lose clients online

A useful blog which stresses the importance of focus in any marketing strategy. You lose clients by being inconsistent.

There are two main takeaways here:

  • work out what the driving message of your firm is, and make sure this translates to your website and any content you produce (including on social media).
  • make it as easy as possible for people to contact you on every page of your website rather than hidden away. Think of having a contact form on your landing page perhaps?
At the risk of mixing metaphors, gaining new clients online involves a delicate combination of juggling multiple balls in the air while walking on eggshells. Over here, you’re told that you have mere seconds to capture a website visitor’s attention. Over there, you’re being told that “content is king” and that you need to write-write-write in order to win-win-win. Take a breath. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a list of seemingly contradictory to-do’s, turn things on their head and work on fixing these to-don’ts instead.

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content, law