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On the importance of involving your whole team with social media

An interesting example of how you can train and encourage your whole team to become brand ambassadors online. Rachel Calderon rewards actions such as liking or retweeting company updates, sharing its posts and so forth, all ways in which a brand can increase its reach.

It's particularly useful if a colleague can do this with Facebook page updates for instance, as the algorithm can make it hard to increase reach organically.

Through the three exercises and brand discussion, I wanted to show everyone that they can use their personal connection to the Foundation, combined with our brand language, to effectively tell its story. I made the connection that everyone on the board is a champion for the work that happens at CFF and that we can’t get past the point we are at now without their help. We talked about how it’s important to share their personal connection to the work they’re doing with CFF to be able to speak in a genuine way about the Foundation to those people that don’t know us yet.

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