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Reposted from PM Forum

Thought leader or opinion follower?

There's no doubt it's a challenge to carve time out of a busy day to generate insightful and compelling thought leadership. The demands of serving existing clients often have a firmer pull and, frankly, a lot more immediacy. But if you want to fill the pipeline of new work, becoming the 'Go To' provider for your particular specialism is critical - so maybe it's time to rebalance our priorities?

According to Bruce Rogers, chief insight officer at FORBES and one of the world’s foremost authorities on thought leadership: By becoming thought leaders, professional services firms garner enormous business benefits. They become the go-to providers for their expertise. They make it dramatically easier for clients and centers of influence to refer new qualified prospects to them. Professional services firms that become thought leaders have much higher realization rates. Very importantly, they are instrumental in advancing their field by delivering meaningful value-added to select audiences.

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