In 2012, employs over 140,000 people, decided to go "fully digital" for their branding. They created a programme called Expert Connect which addressed the need that "Capgemini’s position as an authority and influencer is dependent on the ability of its experts to be heard by existing and potential clients."
Cap Gemini, the consultancy that
Many things are interesting about the approach Cap Gemini took, not least that they started at the very top with a group of high-level, influential personalities. This approach tends to be successful because it establishes the importance of the project to the organisation, it shows that some of the most time-pressured people in the business "make time", to participate and, perhaps most importantly, it creates scarcity - making participation in the programme an honour, not a chore.
The need they identified is commonplace, consultancies typically have many experts with deep domain expertise but demonstrating that online in a coherent manner is a huge challenge. Indeed in our research, we have found that experts in Professional Services post on average less than once a year - definitely not sufficient to build a reputation.
Cap Gemini have now widened the programme as detailed below with demonstrable Return on Investment.