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Social Media Marketing Trends 2015

TrustRadius’s 2015 Social Media Marketings Trends report is now out, based on the answers of nearly 600 social media practitioners.

There are a few interesting findings within.


Proving ROI continues to be an issue. As Megan Headley says, ‘marketers are trapped between readily available “vanity metrics” such as likes and followers and difficult-to-measure objectives such as brand awareness.’

It’s no surprise that ‘measuring ROI’ was ranked 1st in terms of challenges faced by marketers (60%), followed by ‘tying social activities to business outcomes’ (50%), and ‘developing our social media strategy’ (48%).


The report makes interesting comparisons between company sizes, but a common goal across the board is to raise brand awareness. Small and mid-sized businesses are both interested in generating leads and driving traffic to their websites, whereas enterprises have a stronger focus on customer service and audience reach.

There is still a trend of struggling to align these goals with their overall business.

You can download the full free report here.

The new 2015 Social Media Marketing Trends report reveals that marketers are still struggling with how to justify the value of their social programs. Authored by TrustRadius, the leading peer review site for business software, the report highlights social marketers' top challenges, how they're confronting them, and how your own priorities stack up.

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