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Refreshingly different lawyer profiles

Following on from Claire Trevien's recent post on "What Lawyers put in their profiles vs what clients want to see" I chanced upon the website of Australian firm Marque Lawyers.

The link is below and well worth a click and a browse of the lawyers profiles! Every one is interesting, individual and fun whilst still conveying the sense that they know what they are doing. You actually find yourself wanting to meet these people. If I happened to be in Australia and in need of legal services, Marque would be the first firm I'd contact!

Regarded by some as the idiot savant of the legal profession, Michael achieved fame as managing partner of his previous firm by giving all his staff $400 to spend on a pair of shoes. Having eventually come to the conclusion that working in a law firm is no fun, he started Marque in 2008 with the modestly stated ambition of completely changing the way law is practised. Apart from his well-deserved reputation as a shameless self-promoter, Michael is actually a lawyer too. His expertise is in Trade Practices and intellectual property, and he does stuff like fending off price fixing allegations by the ACCC against international airlines, merger authorisations, advertising vetting and compliance programs. Big copyright cases and some celebrity litigation too, but he doesn't like to mention it much.

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