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The Lad Bible and TechTrack 100 Highlights 2016

Since Passle is a business based in Oxford and I am resident of The Thames Valley it is great to see more of the Top 100 based outside of the capital (52 compared to 42 in 2015). There are arguments for moving to the City but as a 'millennial' the cost of living and limited easy access to fitness activities would be a constant burden. I imagine this would dampen productivity in the long term. I am fortunate that our London office is in WeWork and with their WeLive growing this will certainly solve aspects of the problem. It will be interesting to see if a future TechTrack company is an AirBnB/WeWork hybrid. Kudos to TOG who also offer gyms in their trendy office space.

In the last 3 years the combined 100 companies have employed 11k people and increased sales by 88% (£2.2bn combined).

With LoveCrafts at number 3 on the list it is a reminder of the value of online communities and content (not that this is needed after the acquisition of LinkedIn). The business itself is an online community for craft lovers where ideas can be shared.

The Lad Biblecommunity of....lads (and others) to offer data on content interaction to the likes of Netflix to better serve their users and keen them engaged.

is also on the 'Ones to Watch' and again leverages a

The 2016 number 1 ranked company, UKCloud, was in the 'Ones to Watch' list along with Deliveroo! A good place to be.

I would expect to see future lists to contain a Property and/or Insurance technology company. These are sectors that are currently experiencing rapid exploration into the technology sector.

This year’s top spot is taken by UKCloud, which provides secure data processing, data storage and networking services to the UK government. Formerly known as Skyscape, it was top of last year’s ‘Ones to Watch’ list. Founded in 2011, UKCloud has sales of more than £32 million and has seen its annual sales rise by more than 260% in the past three years. Top 10 Tech Track 100 companies 2016 UKCloud – cloud services provider Roc Technologies – IT services provider LoveCrafts – crafts communities platform Immunocore  – biotechnology developer Smarkets – online betting platform WorldRemit – money transfer provider Semblant – liquid repellent nano- coater Funding Circle – peer-to-peer lending UNiDAYS – student verification service Ve Interactive – ecommerce technology developer

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technology, insurance, property, software, uk