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LinkedIn improves its publishing interface

LinkedIn has given its publishing platform a makeover. The big change, besides a new Medium-esque aesthetic, is that instead of choosing three tags for your content, you can create as many hashtags for it as you want. 

Goodbye clunky, ill-fitting tags! Hello adaptable, reactive hashtags! 

That's quite an exciting change as it puts you, the writer, center stage of your content. About time!

Hashtags currently only work on the mobile platforms, but will hopefully be rolled out to desktop soon.

It'll be exciting to see how this aids discovery.

We've also updated our tagging and distribution system to help surface your articles on LinkedIn. You can now add hashtags to an article before you publish, making it easier for professionals to easily discover and search for your content in the Feed (hashtags are now searchable on mobile and coming to desktop very soon).   LinkedIn is the only platform where the audience you want to reach is waiting for you, and hungry for professional content. Writing your insights or posting interesting reads can have a direct impact on how you advance your profession or career. Nearly three million of our members have published long-form articles on our platform. People like:

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hashtag, hashtags, linkedin, linkedin profiles, medium