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| 1 minute read

Does your content have E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)?

I've just given a talk at #IntegratedLive in front of a packed-out room, sharing 5 content marketing trends to avoid in your strategies. One of my points was that there is very little point in creating clone content, stuffed to the brim with keywords. 

The important thing is to create content with people in mind, not search engines.

Google's reports agree with this verdict. I shared Google's original SEO Rating Quality Guide in November of last year, and it was updated this March. The update makes it even clearer that websites should be filled with expert-led content on the sector it is focused on.

According to the document, the main factors to having your website get a high quality rating are having well-thought out pages with clear information as to who is responsible for the content, and, most importantly, E-A-T:

The amount of expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-A-T) that a webpage/website has is very important.  Main Content (MC) quality and amount, website information, and website reputation all inform the E-A-T of a website.

It's gratifying to see other talks at this event aligning with my thoughts here, if you are near the ExCel, do come today or tomorrow and say hi to us on stand B66.

Google updated their search quality raters guidelines on March 28. Back in November 2015, Google released the full version of their quality raters document, and this is the first published update to the public version since its release four months ago. The document released back in November was 160 pages, but the revised version is 146 pages — so it shrank. You can view the full version at the same URL at this PDF.

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google, seo, integratedlive