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| 1 minute read

Hand-curated content suggestions for your social media

One of the frequent questions we get from clients is: what can we share on our social media? Obviously, in an ideal world, the majority of it should be your own authentic content. However, there is no harm in sharing content by other people and organisations, particularly if it is providing value to your audience.

Enter Quuu.

With Quuu you can select specific categories that are relevant to your business, such as Legal Marketing or Sales Strategy. Then link them up to your chosen social media profiles, and great suggestions will get added to your queue every day. Currently Quuu integrates with Buffer and Hubspot, so you'll need one of these to use it (my love of Buffer is well documented).

Finally, as every piece of content they add to your queue has been vetted you know you can trust your feed to be full of useful and un-spammy content.

In short, it's an easy way to diversify your company's feed.

A new source of inspiration?

We've been using Quuu at Passle for over a year, and an added bonus from this is that we discover through it great content that we can in turn Passle. It's better than many alerts you set up since, as mentioned before, there is quality-control involved...

Why not try out the free version here?

Quuu 2.0 Hand-curated content suggestions for social media

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content marketing, b2b marketing, quuu, social media, automation, curation