10 November, 2017 "Not all companies are created equal": 5 questions for Hans van Gent By Passle In this informal series, I like to ask content marketing leaders 5 questions about their background, pet peeves, and strategies! This...
30 October, 2017 Taboola vs Outbrain vs QuuuPromote: which paid channel promotes your B2B blog best? By Passle As frequent readers of this blog know, I'm just as interested in what you do after you hit 'publish' as what happens before. Many of...
03 July, 2017 Stuck in a rut on social media? Here are some fresh ideas By Passle Lucia Powell from Quuu shares in the linked article below some great tips to shake up your social media output while still staying true...
25 May, 2017 10 steps to level up your personal Twitter profile By Passle I recently shared a document put together by Passle which included 10 steps to become a LinkedIn hero. I also recently created a post...
22 May, 2017 "Email opens the door for personal online interaction": 5 questions for Shayla Price By Passle I've been reading Shayla Price's excellent content for some time now, so it's a privilege to feature her today as part of the 5 Questions...
29 March, 2017 Being our own case study: how involving sales in our content strategy increased our post shares by 1,721% By Passle So apparently, as a marketer, I should go around wearing a t-shirt that says ‘Down with Sales’. Or so I should believe from the numerous...
08 February, 2017 Hand-curated content suggestions for your social media By Passle One of the frequent questions we get from clients is: what can we share on our social media? Obviously, in an ideal world, the majority...
27 July, 2016 Why marketers should care about personal branding By Passle I have an article over at Marketing Tech today on personal branding, including practical bits of advice to achieving it. Check it out!
26 April, 2016 Don’t clickthrough! Social shares vs actual reads [contains real examples] By Passle I recently wrote a post about vanity metrics, and the danger of attaching too much importance to shares on sites such as Twitter. Well, I...