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Encourage 'masters' to create more content.

I just love this wonderful ranty, sweary post on Reddit "Content Marketing is Broken". 

To summarise, there is so much non-expert, non-authentic, fundamentally useless garbage produced in pursuit of  Content Marketing page views that the Internet (and Google in particular) can no longer provide you with a decent answer to a sensible question. The Internet is drowning in $10-a-page hogwash.

It is a fair point - and one solution is to get the "Masters to create more content" - see below. We, here at Passle Towers, would wholeheartedly agree.

But also, and we fall in to this trap ourselves, as a profession we must stop counting page views and thinking that is a measure of success. It really isn't. 

Back in the early days of the Internet, the idea that you could count views was seen as the Holy Grail of Marketing. But although interesting, it is a vanity metric. Page views, after all, buy nothing. 

Demonstrating capability, and frankly a little humanity, to your clients and prospects by contrast, is extremely valuable. 

Encourage masters to create more content. The issue is that when they're at the peak of their game, they're out there doing, not teaching. This is why the 'teachers' in Entrepreneur Land are often criticized as making their money from teaching people how to make money. Not to mention that there's a bit of fear involved in "sharing the secret recipe", even though history will show us that having a perfect recipe and being able to bake a perfect pie are two completely different things).

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content marketing, b2b marketing