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Why it's important to have a content plan

We looked at the relative success of our authors, comparing those that we know to have a plan with those that we do not know about. 

What we found was that those with a plan produced twice as much content as those that did not. However, what we also found was that having a SMART plan (Simple, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) which is easy to understand is very important too. 

For most businesses, I think the idea that Excel spreadsheets are incapable of coping with the complexity of a content plan, would be a pretty good reason to simplify things. Or at least break the plan down into SMART components!

Manage the Creation Process Setting up workflows, processes, and systems for the content creation process can help ensure that all content team members are up to date and using consistent strategies. You’ll need a flexible but structured way to manage topic ideas, keep track of responsibilities, and keep up with projected deadlines and due dates. Though a simple Excel spreadsheet might work for small businesses, larger marketing departments will want to look to project management software to help manage this process.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, smart goals, content planning