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| 1 minute read

Salesforce CMO - Putting the Customer at the Centre of Everything You Do

It sounds pretty obvious but how many marketing teams actually do what Stephanie Buscemi, the new Chief Marketing Officer of Salesforce, says and puts the client at the centre of everything they do?

Do you really go out, listen to and understand what your clients' needs and pains are? Only when we start doing that can we begin to build our services or products to truly meet their needs.  

So how does a marketing team understand their clients' needs?  They can try and read up about it and research it online, they can carry out some form of market research or consultation with their clients (I always find this a little bit staged) or best of all they can ask the people from within their own business who actually meet with the clients and have built a relationship.  Whether that be a sales person, a business development team, a professional or a consultant.  As marketeers we need to stop guessing what we think our clients might need and ask the people who actually know and understand from within our own business.

Combining marketing with the client facing team can be extremely powerful and it means that, as a marketing team, we can be much better at solving those business issues and educate the clients in a way that positions us as the continued "go-to" expert and trusted advisor. 

When they are ready to solve those issues, then there is no better person to deliver that message back to the client, than the client-facing person who has built that relationship.

As marketing teams we need to listen not just to clients but those in our business who speak with the clients every day and give them the tools and resources to service those key clients.

We have to make sure it’s easily accessible for our customers to reach their customers’ every single touchpoint. And not just reach them at all those touchpoints, but give them a single view of all those interactions. We always keep [the] customer at the center. Some people will say they’re marketing, some people will say they’re sales, some people will say they’re service. Every decision we make is rationalized, and [based on] if it’s going to help our customers create a better customer experience.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e