In the current time when the way we live and work is changing on a daily basis, Cultural Adaptability - which reflects an organisation's ability to adapt, innovate, experiment and quickly take advantage of new opportunities, is critical to an organisation's ability to thrive and survive. For some organisations, not being able to meet in person presents challenges, and adaptability is key here.
Continuing to cultivate a company's culture and ensure that the employees remain focused is key to ensuring employees are motivated and productive.
So how can you work to ensure that your culture is and remains adaptable?
1. Hire and promote people who are resilient and adaptable. These people will act as change agents and will help to lead the business through these unchartered waters. They will use curiosity and perspective to keep their heads up. Consider ensuring that your job specs for open roles are still appropriate for what the business now needs.
2. Adapt your organisation's practices and cultural values to meet the needs of all employees. It's important to ensure that all employees feel heard and that the new working environment is as fair as possible for everyone. An example could be that all meetings will be remote so that no-one feels disadvantaged if they cannot or choose not to travel to an office.
3. Communicate regularly and openly. Sharing successes as well as challenges will help to strengthen trust between employer and employee, and trust is the backbone to a healthy culture at work. With an environment of trust and psychological safety within teams, employees will feel motivated and energised. Consider weekly updates from leaders to keep employees informed. Leaders of businesses need their teams more than ever now, to contend with whatever lies ahead.