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| 1 minute read

How can employers utilise digital technology to provide mental health support?

After starting at Passle a little over a week ago, and getting settled in remotely, the importance of digital technology platforms couldn't be more evident. From getting to know my team via video call, to e-signing 'paper'work, or shooting a question across to someone via instant messaging, digital technology has made the virtual onboarding process seamless. For most people working-from-home, digital technology is a critical, everyday part of their work.

Whilst technology has generally improved productivity and afforded a more flexible work-style, it also offers a powerful way to support employee's mental health during a time where burnout, WFH fatigue and social isolation are real threats, and traditional healthcare has never been more stretched. With telehealthcare provider Qare reporting an increase in demand for consultations with a psychiatrist by over 380% since the start of the pandemic, there is an ever-growing demand for digital mental health support.

Thankfully, throughout the pandemic digital technology platforms and providers have offered a range of mental health support services. Research from the University of Cambridge has found these services to include:

  • Patient-to-patient platforms
  • Digitally-enabled treatments
  • Mental health and wellbeing apps
  • Chatbots and social support networks

Digital technology platforms and services like these provide employers with an opportunity to support their employees and equip them with the tools to navigate and beat burnout, fatigue and isolation. It is now up to employers to identify how these services can support their employees and continue the adoption of new digital platforms.

Part of the value of these digital platforms is that they encourage people to seek support through means in which they feel comfortable. At the same time, it’s important to recognise that not everyone chooses or is able to access such services, and so it remains a continuing priority to find ways to reach everyone who is vulnerable.

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e2e, professional services, marketing, mental health, digital technology, people