I continue to be amazed by the potential of ChatGTP. Playing around with how it can support the development of thought leadership and conceptualizing how it could be a beneficial aid to authors has been a fascinating process. There are so many different ways it could be applied as an additive aspect in drafting, editing, and sharing content.
This leaves me somewhat torn between seeing this amazing potential and the other side of the coin that AI-generated insights also pose an existential threat in undermining the value of thought leadership in the first place.
I had a look online to see what information & data was available (in the wake of ChatGPT being released) on identifying the difference between AI-generated content vs that published by humans. Unsurprisingly, aligned with my experience testing the AI capability, AI-generated content leans heavily on facts and is light on opinions.
This leads me to wonder if you could harness the speed and efficiencies for factual-based elements of drafting content and support that with your own opinions and ideas, would this approach combine the best of both worlds?
I've already spoken to a number of people who are testing this out as an authoring aid - most of whom have been very impressed with their initial drafts. I personally find it much easier to edit rather than draft copy from scratch. A balance will undoubtedly need to be established if a process can be found that combines human opinions/commentary and the copy that a tool like ChatGPT is able to assemble.
Another thought, is all content equal in the eyes of the reader?
Does it matter whether there is an AI-based element that has been involved in drafting a piece of thought leadership? OR if an idea is turned into a piece of content by an AI capability, does that immediately diminish its quality?
I use Grammarly to assist with spell-checking, grammar recommendations and making sure what I write in my content (and emails) is accurate and the most polished version I can offer. If ChatGPT is able to accelerate my ability to deliver valuable and relevant content, is that any different to leveraging a spell/grammar-checking aid?
Overall, I think there will be ways to utilize this technology to improve the quality of content we are able to deliver, especially factoring in more mundane elements like:
- Suggesting compelling post titles
- Helping with internal conflict checks
- Referencing and reporting on factual-based events
- Framing what an article on a topic could theoretically look like - almost being used as a recommendation engine
- Assisting with the effective delivery of thought leadership (social media post suggestions/ reminders)
- Eventually assisting with content translation
A lot to potentially look forward to... and hopefully, less of the end-of-the-world Terminator/Skynet kind of chat!!
As part of our upcoming product release named after the Northern Monk Brewery, we have a beta environment that harnesses ChatGTP. If you would be interested in becoming a beta tester and sharing your feedback with the Passle team - let us know and we will add you to the list.