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How Easter Eggs Can Get People Talking About Your Business

Easter eggs aren't just the delicious tinfoil-wrapped eggs you go hunting for around this time of year. Easter eggs can also stand for virtual messages and inside jokes.

I was familiar with the term when it comes to film, especially Disney, but hadn't thought about their potential for marketing until recently.

The article below shows some clever ways in which businesses have used Easter eggs as a marketing technique. Giving your users something extra, that makes them feel part of an 'in the know' gang, will really improve their experience and get them talking.

Error pages can be an easy way to add an Easter egg. Recently I realized that the Google chrome offline page transforms into a video game when you press the space bar. Our Passle error page features drawings by children.*

Have you thought about adding some Easter eggs?

*Definitely not by my colleagues.

The black-and-white filter is one of Snapchat’s many Easter eggs. An Easter egg is an inside joke or hidden feature. The term was first coined by a programmer who hid his signature inside a secret room within the Atari 2600 video game, “Adventure”. Decades later, Easter eggs are a recurring meme in gaming, a head-nod to players, and have expanded into non-gaming, consumer products. Look closely and you may find Easter eggs hidden within your favorite applications.

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easter eggs, marketing techniques