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| 2 minutes read

10 of the best website designers for law firms (UK)

    Whether you are looking to overhaul your law firm website, or start building a new firm afresh, a professional, optimised, and user-friendly website is a must.

    Here is my list of top ten website design firms, with something to suit every budget. Some of these come with far more benefits than simply creating a website, others will prove to be a more straightforward transaction.

    Whichever direction you go in, make sure that your website creation is a true collaboration, with the client experience at the forefront of your mind.

    In no particular order:

    1. Brunswick is one of the top UK PR consultancies, so as you can imagine, website building is just one aspect of what they could bring to your law firm.
    2. Moore Legal Technology specialize in law firm websites: they clearly know what works and what you need to ask yourself to make your website be the best it could be.
    3. MMA Digital is an online marketing firm for the legal sector – despite having only been launched in 2012, it’s worked with more than 100 law firms across the UK. A great endorsement.
    4. If you prefer a personal approach, then DBS legal websites might be perfect – nothing is outsourced from their 7-person team in Lincolnshire. There’s also a great emphasis on building a website that’s easily editable by the firm, cutting costs.
    5. Conscious also specialize in law firm websites and have an eye to the bigger picture too, you can take advantage of their “full service” package which includes a range of marketing techniques.
    6. Reflect Digital is refreshingly upfront about their prices: “Prices start from £2,000 for a micro site, each site is priced based on the project specification and payments can be spread across 12 months”. Perfect for smaller or newer firms looking to make an impact.
    7. Design UK have built the Berwin Leighton Paisner website, which is in itself a great calling card.
    8. You only need to spend a few minutes on Law Creative’s website to see that they practice what they preach: a well-considered and user-friendly website. Again, they offer a full marketing package as an option.
    9. Tela is a creative digital website with perhaps the swankiest website on this list. Read this case study to see how they transformed 39 Essex Chambers’ website.
    10. Do it yourself on Wordpress! Many of the designers above will be building your website on Wordpress for various reasons including SEO and user-friendliness. You could skip the middle-man and build your law firm website yourself, there are even a few themes to facilitate the work for you, such as this one, or this one.

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websites, law firm websites