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How much online content should your business be producing?

Having spoken to a number of clients recently, I am continually asked the question:

"How much content should we be producing as a business?"

My answer is always:

"how often do you want to communicate with potential clients?"

Looking in more detail I think the answer of course depends on the type of business and the specific niche within which you operate.

However, it is easy to lose sight that whilst a business may be producing 500 pieces in a year, if this equates to 3 pieces per fee earner, potential clients will still struggle to determine individual expertise.

Having recently attended the PM Forum Conference, a recurring theme was the lessening influence of a brand when choosing a professional services firm but an increasing priority to hire the individual.

As a marketing team are you asking your fee earners to produce content to aid the overall brand or push their own expertise?

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content marketing, content, blog