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Digital Marketing is now mainstream - Gartner Report

Last week I was told by a Head of Brand at a large professional services company that he had his 'social strategy' in place for the next three years. That was a bit of a surprise. I do hope his strategy is extremely flexible because one of the things I've learnt is that everything changes always.

The Gartner CMO Report referenced below - rightly in my opinion - states digital marketing is now mainstream. Is that something we could have stated three years ago?

As Yvonne Genovese, group vice president at Gartner. "Marketers no longer make a clear distinction between offline and online marketing discipline." This is something that B2B companies are realizing now and acting upon.

The good news according to Gartner is that marketing budgets are on the rise to cope with the digital transition - however I am still not sure you can plan that out 3 years in advance...

Digital marketing is now mainstream, and digital commerce is a top priority for marketers, according to a survey of marketing executives by Gartner, Inc. "There is little doubt that digital marketing is now mainstream," said Yvonne Genovese, group vice president at Gartner. "Marketers no longer make a clear distinction between offline and online marketing disciplines. As customers opt for digitally led experiences, digital marketing stops being a discrete discipline and instead becomes the context for all marketing. Digital marketing is now marketing in a digital world."

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