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What is the secret to a successful webinar?

ON24 have released the results of their webinar benchmarks results, with some interesting statistics for anyone creating webinars for their business.

Some interesting takeaways:

  • From those surveyed, they've determined the best time to lead a webinar is at 3pm (GMT) at the heart of the week (Tuesday-Thursday).
  • The average viewing time is 56 minutes, longer than I expected in this low-attention span world!
  • The Q&A remains the top interactivity tool (88%), though social media applications are catching up (34%).
  • 20.6% of total attendees watch webinars on-demand.
  • 16.5% of webinars use integrated video.

There might be some interesting ideas in there for you and your firm to try out. Click on the link below to download the full report.

Whether it's virtual bums on virtual seats or producing outstanding demand generation, ON24's 2015 benchmarks provide the definitive sight into webinar performance. Download our free ON24 Benchmarks Report to identify where your webinars are over (or under) performing, including: Webinar registration and attendance Best times and days to deliver webinars Average audience size and viewing times On-demand webinar viewing habits

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