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Life is meaningless... Don't seek happiness... Define yourself by what you love... Great video content works

Recently I was reminded of the following stat: 

By 2017 seventy four percent of all internet traffic will be video source)


This led me to remember the video below of the speech Tim Minchin (comedian, writer and actor) gave as he accepted an honoury degree at his old Uni - UWA (University of Western Australia).  

I am certain that Tim was not invited to speak in order for the UWA to get some great 'content' - and from looking at the UWA site they could be using far better - but nevertheless it is is a fantastic example of how you can use video content to market your business.  

By using this video of an ex-student (customer??) giving motivational advice the university is providing a fantastic insight into their product - a good university education - without talking about themselves. The video is inspiring, fun and thought provoking - surely a great reflection of any educational experience. Whether by accident or deliberately we not only see Tim giving his speech but the reaction of the academic behind him giving us, the viewers, an insight into the personality of the organisation. Over 2.5 million views shows how successful it's been.  

Enjoy, and think how you could use video to better market what you do - I am certainly going to do just that.

9 Life Lessons: 2:51 One: You don't need to have a dream.... Be micro-ambitious 3:47 Two: Don't seek happiness 4:14 Three: Remember it's all luck 5:21 Four: Exercise. Take care of your body: you're going to need it. 6:17 Five: Be hard on your opinions. 8:33 Six: Even if you're not a teacher, be a teacher. 9:04 Seven: Define yourself by what you love. 9:50 Eight: Respect people with less power than you. 10:13 Nine: Don't rush. You don't need to know what you're going to do with the rest of your life.

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video content, motivators, content marketing