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Reposted from Coastlines

Snapchat to launch tech magazine

Snapchat - the instant messenger service beloved by teenagers - is to launch a more traditional magazine.

Called Real Life, the magazine will forego the short-lived nature of most Snapchat pictures and messages, creating  long form essays and commentaries about living with technology. 

There is, I am sure, some irony in a messenger platform creating more meaningful and informed editorial, and calling it Real Life.

It will be interesting to see how this take on real life will develop. 

Snapchat is making more inroads into the world of publishing with the launch of its own tech magazine Real Life. The social network is funding the new title, which will appeal to those looking for long-reads by publishing “essays, arguments and narratives about living with technology”. Interestingly, rather than living within the app’s Discover section, the magazine will be hosted online and headed up by Snapchat employee turned editor-in-chief Nathan Jurgenson.

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social media, publishing