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| 1 minute read

Do chatbots make humans more, well, chatty?

Here at Passle we use Drift to power the instant chat box on our website. While it does offer a bot functionality, we make sure that it is always one of the Passle team on the line, as we are a friendly bunch who really enjoys talking to our users and visitors. 

Interestingly, I have been mistaken for a chatbot a few times. But what is even more interesting is how differently people were behaving when they thought I was AI. The questions that I have been asked range from a simple 'Who is Passle best for?' to 'What is love?' While it is true that the latter was just a joke to test 'the technology', I think that the fact that people feel brave enough to ask AI a whimsical question can have some significant implications for the future of communication. 

Recalling how many of the e-mails I receive that start with 'I apologise if this is a stupid question, but..' leads me to think about how people can benefit from a service that they perceive as neutral, non-judgmental, non-human. 

Naturally, it is up to your customer service to make everybody feel welcome, but think about all the questions that do not get asked in the first place because users were too shy to ask them. As AI is getting smarter and easier to talk to, it can really help encourage people to get in touch and just talk. Talk and ask questions, talk and share opinions, talk and provide valuable feedback.

In addition to this, getting people to share is pivotal in helping them in fields, such as counselling and therapy. I would feel much better if I knew that my loved ones who are battling depression have a chatbot in their pocket that talks, understands adequately and listens non-judgmentally. 

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chatbots, automation, ai