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| 1 minute read

Authentic vs. Robotic Communications

If political events have taught us anything over the past year, it's that authenticity is well and truly the silver bullet of modern communications.

Adam wrote a short while ago about Trump vs Clinton, and how Hilary's scripted rhetoric didn't do her any favours aside Donald's (typically 'remarkable') oratory.

I can't help but feel Labour's result last week reaffirms this same idea. Theresa May might have won the battle, but Jeremy Corbyn will win the war. May's campaign was very robotic, and her arrogant approach to campaigning fostered zero advocacy from the soft-tory swings. Isolating their safe elder votes didn't help either.

May and her party massively underestimated Corbyn. Deeming him and his party so unelectable that the world would forget all about the last five years of austerity. Corbyn positioned himself as a principled, genuine human-being, who stays true to his values regardless of how they're received. 

Authenticity aside, the below piece makes a good point about targeting. Labour carefully targeted their campaign to the younger generation; employing influencer marketing with endorsements from JME, Stormzy and Rag'n'Bone Man. I can only anticipate that this engagement with younger generations will pay dividends in the years to come.

Andre van Loon, research and insight director at We Are Social, says Labour’s “successful” campaign did so well with young voters as it prioritised brand advocacy and authenticity. He adds: “By making Corbyn so prominent on social media, it created brand advocates from Grime stars to young people. Looking through earned conversations, there are generally a lot more younger people sharing pictures of Jeremy Corbyn on Instagram. “If you look at his Instagram profile, there’s a few quirky posts, someone knitted a doll of him that he then holds up next to his face. He’s not afraid to poke fun at himself and that made Theresa May look robotic and like she didn’t have a sense of humour in comparison.”

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content marketing, b2b marketing, authenticity