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What B2B communicators can learn from Donald Trump

Chris Buskirk wrote in The Washington Post on the eve of the US election about what Politicians should learn from Donald Trump and whether we should hope for more candidates like him in the future. 

Buskirk singles out authenticity as a key asset that Trump used over Clinton's "overly scripted campaign". And it is true, you certainly knew who Trump was. People buy from people and Trump was a person much more than his rivals. He was also remarkable, remarkably awful in some of the things he said but remarkable; causing voters to check the news each day to see what Trump has said today. 

I am not arguing that Business-to-Business professionals should start using Trump's language or style, that would be bogus but this is another example of the importance and power of authenticity in modern communications. 

Instead, smart politicians should take the best and leave the rest behind. That means abandoning overly scripted campaigns in favor of authenticity, listening to voters instead of to elite opinion and — this is especially true for Republicans — embracing the issues that propelled Trump’s campaign instead of recurring to stale conservative checklists.

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authenticity, communications, b2b marketing, content marketing, trump, elections 2016