I was a guest writer for last month's Banking on Content Newsletter: Your Guide to Effective Corporate Bank Marketing, and decide to focus my article on 10 ways to repurpose your content. This won't be a surprise to my regular readers, who know I've based entire talks, webinars, and blogs, on this topic! If you are in need of ideas, click on the link below for 10 achievable ways to ensure your content goes the distance!

10 ways to repurpose your content
Here's a familiar tale: You've created a great blog post or article and pressed "publish." Job done, right? Only if you don't want the right people to read it. With 85% of adults using multiple devices at the same time, you are less likely to catch their attention if you are only sharing your content on a single channel. The most effective solution is not to create more content, but to work out how you can repurpose your existing content to maximize its reach. Here are 10 ideas to try: