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| 1 minute read

AI isn't here to steal any content marketing jobs

A reassuring article from Marketing Tech which argues that the rising role of AI in content marketing is a positive thing. The main thrust is that robots could be used for the grunt work with numbers, and humans left to add creativity, insights, and flare to this base.

Ilana Pluner concludes: "Thanks to that robot’s ability to gather data and hand it to you in a nice (albeit bland) piece of writing, you are now free to harness your creativity, skill, and uniquely human experience to create content that holds more value, explores deeper meaning, and evokes real emotion in readers."

Considering that a lot of content marketing involves taking data and interpreting it into data, it sounds like it'll be business as usual. Albeit, faster than usual and perhaps more accurate as free of human error.

We'll have to see how the technology develops however. There are a few, such as Articoolo which claim to create unique content using machine learning, but on playing with it the results aren't very sophisticated. I requested a moderately unique post on content marketing and cars, here's a sample phrase:

"As opposed to risk conducting business with the stereotype pushy used car salesman, clients want to find a dealer with integrity."

Screenshot of Articoolo article

I have no doubt this will improve in time. As the article below shows, the Associated Press is already using Automated Insights' Wordsmith platform for its quarterly earning reports. 

So perhaps we shall just have to learn to happily cohabit with our future overlords! 

Philana Patterson, assistant business editor at the AP, tells The Verge that, far from taking writers’ jobs, computers free writers to add more robust insight and a connection to the bigger picture. “One of the things we really wanted reporters to be able to do,” she explains, “was when earnings came out to not have to focus on the initial numbers. That's the goal, to write smarter pieces and more interesting stories.” Most writers jump at the chance to include more information, but time and budget limits prevent them from making the grand statements that make the piece so much better. AI programs could help with that.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, articoolo, wordsmith, associated press, ai, robots, robots taking jobs, martech