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| 1 minute read

How To Use Twitter Lists for ABM and During Events

Events like the Fujitsu Forum are a great opportunity to network, learn and potentially prospect. Daniel's blog below provides some great tips on how to use social media during events.

One of my tips during events is to use Twitter Lists. These can be really useful when you are tracking specific speakers or attendees you would like to engage with. Beyond the event you can continue to research and get involved in the conversation with these lists.

I found this video to be particularly useful to learn how to create a list for the first time. Do note that lists can be private or public. I typically opt for private however creating a list like 'Top Marketers List' can be quite flattering for your target audience.

When creating a list in twitter it creates a newsfeed of those you have selected to be part of the list. I was recently at the B2B Marketing ABE event and had created a list ahead of the event to follow during the day instead of just the feed full of Tweets with the event hashtag (another way to filter). Beyond filtering who I wanted to follow, I was able to use these tweets alongside my own content (Passle posts) during the day. 

Since the event I have had meetings with a number of the people I met during the day. As I am now in a sales process with these organisation I have created seperate lists relating to each organisation and the key influencers in the deal. This is also where Twitter Lists start to play a role in Account Based Marketing. 

Beyond this step I keep live streams of these lists open in TweetDeck. Again, if you are prospecting or managing accounts it is a great way to keep on top of your key relationships. 

In my view Twitter brings a blend of Facebook (personal) and LinkedIn (professional) insight. Therefore doing this analysis can really make the difference when building relationships (hobbies, interests etc).

When it comes to Account Based Marketing, these lists are a great source of insight into what your clients need. From there you can begin to position your portfolio through content. 

This information would be particularly useful within CRM. I am yet to find a CRM that allows Twitter Lists to be embedded on account levels so if you know of any please let me know! 

Fujitsu Forum is only a few days away. We’ve got a packed schedule of keynotes and breakout sessions with a huge selection of expert talks and co-creation sessions being run over the 2 days. Not to mention a large exhibition where you can discover the latest innovation from Fujitsu. Below are a couple of useful social media tips when attending an event like our #FujitsuForum.

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content marketing, b2b marketing, e2e, twitter, twitter picker, tweetdeck