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| 1 minute read

Helping your clients through troubling times

Despite Coronavirus currently being statistically much less lethal than snakebites, it seems there is to be very considerable disruption to our way of life for the next few weeks and months. 

Many businesses are now adjusting to the cancellation or diminution of big annual events. By way of example, just yesterday it was announced that following Apple, Netflix, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook withdrawing from SXSW in Austin Texas, the event has been canceled. 

As well as not traveling to major face-to-face events, it seems increasingly likely that many professionals and their clients will shun public transport, the office, and physical meetings, in favor of working from home. This will mean that business will become more virtual and communications more online for a while. 

However, clients will need advice navigating these rather extraordinary waters more than ever so what advice they should you publish? 

The key question that clients will have over the next few weeks is "what is appropriate?"; what is fair, what is expected and what help might be available.

Many things will be changing in different industries, quite apart from the human issues; including pricing, supply chains, demand and consequently lenders and governments offering repayment relief on loans and other financial support. Clients will be looking to their professional advisors so your fee-earners' help will be hugely appreciated. 

As to how and what to write. I'd advocate following Anthony Rosen's advice in particular that"being first to deliver news holds some value, but being the first to deliver the relevant insight to your clients is the goal." 

According to a 2008 study published in PLoS Medicine, an estimated 20,000 human deaths occur each year from snakebites, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, though with the unreported incidents the total may be as high as 94,000.

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e2e, leadership, professional services, people, coronavirus