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| 3 minute read

10 top tips for working from home successfully.

There is a lot of advice available on this subject and in the current climate and circumstances, it is more relevant than ever.  Some workforces are more used to it than others and there are often a few things that play on both employees and employers minds like trust, motivation, productivity, behavioural change, accountability and setting boundaries to name a few.  

The harsh reality is though, that we had all better start embracing it sooner rather than later and so I have compiled a top ten list below:

1/ Build and set your workspace- It is important to set this from the outset and then treat it like you would in your normal working day.  Make sure it is comfortable, quiet and not in front of the TV!

2/ Discover your peak productivity periods- Everyone is different when it comes to productivity.  Some people work more efficiently in the morning and some are more productive later at night.  It is important to ascertain what is right for you so that you can then build a work schedule around your peak productivity times, set your working hours (point 3) and share this with colleagues.  There are some great productivity apps out there to help with this (see point10)

3/ Set your work hours- This might be dictated by your peak productivity periods or doing the school run but just like you do in your normal working day, set your hours so that you know when you need to complete certain tasks by and importantly, don't let work creep over into your personal life.

4/ Make to-do lists- This helps give structure to your day in combination with your working hours and makes you accountable.  A to-do list will also mean you then have a record of what you have achieved on any given day.  Above all else, it is also very fulfilling to mark something off the list once completed.

5/ Keep on communicating- Just like the government are having to do, it is important to keep on talking to your colleagues and of course your clients.  Water cooler and photocopying brainstorming sessions might be postponed for now but they can continue on the phone, over slack, video conferencing or email.  Similarly, let your clients know what you are up to- they are going through a similar scenario.

6/ Treat your day like you would normally- It is important not to slip into working in your PJ's, sitting in front of the TV or not showering.  From a motivational and mental perspective get ready as if you are going into your normal working environment.

7/ Listen to music- This might not work for everyone but there is a whole bunch of research out there that suggests that listening to music can boost productivity, enhance creativity and bring an element of the feel-good factor that might well be required in the coming weeks.  Spotify has already introduced a playlist here

8/ Use a rewards system- If there is a task you have been putting off or procrastinating about, set yourself a reward (a 5-minute walk, grabbing a snack, a 5-minute work out, listen to a podcast etc) for completing it.  This adds variety to the day and keeps you fulfilled.

9/ Exercise (Mentally & Physically)- Exercise can be a great way to get the endorphins going and increase productivity, happiness and enjoyment.  Replace the commute to work with an early run, cycle or swim so that you start the day on a high. Similarly, set some time aside for lunch or after your working day to fit exercise in.  This also helps to get out of the house which some people can forget to do!  From a mental health perspective, it is important to limit your social media viewing to the right sources, avoid burnout and talk things through by staying connected.  There is some good advice here from the BBC.

10/ Use productivity apps- If you find yourself struggling with motivation and to complete tasks then try a productivity app.  There are lots of great options out there that enable you to track how long you have taken to complete a task and in turn, it can give important insight to work out when you are most productive.  This is a great round-up here

Above all else, it is important to stay safe to be vigilant and of course, don't panic.

Working from the comfort of your couch, home office, or bedroom, offers flexibility and work-life balance that many professionals desire.

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coronavirus, working from home, covid-19