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| 1 minute read

How do you plan to fill that empty space in your life?

Saturday marked the last fixture for the foreseeable future in my sporting calendar. Whilst I don't play anymore, I have taken on the Team Manager role at Esher Rugby Club. 

As well as keeping me involved with a sport I love, it takes up much of my personal time and this is where I am not alone. Sport and exercise play a huge part in many peoples lives, be that as a spectator or participating, yet we are now going to be confined to our homes with new found time. 

So... with weeks of this ahead of us, how might we fill this void? Is there one thing that you have always wanted to do but couldn't find the time?

Learn a New Skill: resources on the internet are vast - you could learn a new language on Duolingo? To code on Codecademy? How cloud computing works on Coursera? Or even up skill yourself in your area of work, such as taking a Google Analytics course like my colleagues Sarah Strachan and Cam Dobinson have both done. LinkedIn Learning is another great place to start.

Fitness Goals: whilst gyms may close, there is still the great outdoors to make use of! Or maybe you want to improve your mobility or hand stand skills. All of this is achievable. Some great places to start are CrossFit Home or checking out the likes of Tom Bliss on Instagram who will be posting home workouts.

Read More: as Jospeh Addison once said "reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body". There are endless great books to read, but some recommendations around building relationships would be 'The Snowball System' by Mo Bunnell, 'Never Eat Alone' by Keith Ferrazzi and 'How to Win Friends and Influence People'by Dale Carnegie.

These are just a few ideas, but by choosing to use your time wisely, we could all emerge from this, fitter, smarter, and dare I say it, healthier!

for so many of us, sport isn’t simply a way of passing the time but a way of marking it. It offers a liturgy, a structure on which to measure the passing days and seasons. Tuesday and Wednesday: Champions League. Thursday: Premier League darts. Friday night: Super League rugby. And then the entire weekend, from the Saturday lunchtime kick-off to the PGA golf on Sunday night: hours and hours of it, all stretched out before us like a delicious picnic

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people, coronavirus, covid-19, coronafit, mental wellbeing, upskill, relationship building, expert-to-expert