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| 3 minute read

PRODUCT UPDATE: What's New from Passle? 2.4.1 - Little Ox

The Passle development team have been busy at work over the past few months and have a lot of exciting features to update you on. 

We've shared a snapshot of the substantial highlights from our latest sprint: 2.4.1 - Little Ox (named after the Little Ox Brewery in Oxfordshire). 

All of these features have now been deployed to Passle. If you want to learn more about the updates or have any questions, please feel free to contact the Passle Client Success Team

Single Sign-On (Digital Transformation Suite Feature) 

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication method that enables users to securely authenticate with multiple applications and websites by using just one set of credentials.

Following the success of many firmwide implementations of Passle, single sign-on will bring further ease to the process of onboarding large numbers of users. It will also make it a lot easier for users who have been granted access to Passle to log in to the platform without having to memorize their login credentials. 

OAuth (Available to all Users) 

OAuth is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used as a way for Internet users to grant websites or applications access to their information on other websites but without giving them the passwords.

Again, to support the growing scale of Passle's client deployments, this feature makes it easy for registered users to login via their work Microsoft or Google credentials. This mitigates the requirement to always have to hand or remember your Passle password when logging into the platform. 

Lexology Stats Integration (Available to all Lexology Subscribers) 

For Passle clients who are also Lexology subscribers, this is a big one. You can now find more detailed information on how your content is performing with enriched statistics. This means users will be able to see how many visitors are reading their content across the Lexology network AND from which organisations the visitors represent.

These stats are also available for admin users on Passle who can obtain visibility at a Passle level. This means that you can see holistically how all of your posts are performing both on your website and across the Lexology network. 

Getty Images Integration (Digital Transformation Suite Feature) 

Taking on board feedback from clients wanting to increase the diversity and quality of images available when creating content, the integration with Getty is one we are delighted to announce. Over the years we have always attempted to deliver a broad repository of available images to clients to best support their content. 

Getty boasts one of the most developed image libraries available on the internet. This increases not only the quantity of images available but also the quality with an improved search performance. This will keep your supporting imagery fresh, dynamic, and engaging.  

Auto & Manual Image Cropping (Digital Transformation Suite Feature) 

In line with better images follows improved cropping. To ensure you can maximise the exposure of your content, we now offer smart image cropping. Passle will automatically resize the dimensions of your post imagery so that it is optimised for display on your website, email newsletters and social sharing. The smart cropping will read the elements of your image and attempt to crop by featuring on the image's focal point. 

In the event the smart crop doesn't quite do justice to your image, you can now also manually crop your post images.

New 'Edit Post Page' (Available to all Users) 

We have redesigned the layout of the 'edit post page'. Whilst a lot of the layout should feel familiar, the alterations we have included make it easier to:

  • find and change, and position your featured media/imagery 
  • add relevant tweets to your posts
  • send 'thank you tweets' once your post has been published
  • preview your post before requesting approval/publishing 
  • see the full history of tracked changes to your post including a time stamp of all changes and the user who was responsible for any of the changes 

ISTATOY (Available to all Users) 

Where previously ISTATOY (I Saw This And Thought Of You) was only available to logged in Passle users, now all visitors to Passle posts are able to share insights using the ISTATOY email functionality. Logged in users are still able to share posts via email with internal feedback. 

Anonymous or not logged in users are now also able to share posts via ISTATOY. However, anonymous users will have no tracking or internal feedback available when they email posts to their contacts. 

Finally, ISTATOY is available on Mark 1 and Mark 2 Passle designs. 

We have supporting documentation for all of these changes, so please do get in contact with the team if you are interested in learning more. 

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