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| 2 minute read

The Legal Marketing Association Conference: A quick preview of the go-to talk for a mid-market firm

In any industry, the biggest brands are, typically, the most easily recognised: In Accounting, we all probably know at least one of the 'Big Four' whilst in Legal Services, you probably have heard of a few of the Magic Circle (UK) or AmLaw 100 firms (USA). Their brands are so well established that you just know them. 

These brands have instantaneous recognition which benefits them enormously: prestige, perceived greater value, they can charge higher fees, an advantage when hiring etc. We have heard of them so they must be good, right? It puts smaller, less recognisable firms at a disadvantage when these 'mid-market' firms might just be a more suitable, better value partner.

Indeed, the real bastion in any economy are these middle-market firms. Less than 2% of companies in the UK, Germany, France and Italy are 'mid-market' but employ over one third of the total workforce and generates a similar number of total private sector revenue. If the US 'mid-market' was a country of its own, it would be the fourth biggest economy in the world. It is fair to say, then, that the 'mid-market' punches above its weight.

A core challenge for the 'mid-market', regardless of industry, is to stand out from their peers and, indeed, to compete with those larger, more recognisable brands. So, when the LMA asked us to participate in this years annual conference, we wanted to do something which gives back to those 'mid-market' firms as they are the champions of any economy and also make up the vast majority of our client base. 

'Mid-market' firms are brilliant at what they do but their ability to communicate that specialisation and superior customer experience is paramount to their success. In short, making sure their brand matches up to just how great they really are.

We asked one of our most successful clients, Mintz, to come and talk about doing just that. If you are in Vegas next week do please come along. Attendees will hear from one of the most amazing Chief Marketing and Business Development Officers in North America, Carolyn Manning of Mintz, and we will broadly cover three core key areas:  

  1. How and why is 'brand' a challenge for even a successful mid-size law firm like Mintz?
  2. How to measure your brand and the data points which enable Mintz to tell that story, both internally and externally.
  3. Delivering a focused plan to develop and evolve your brand in key areas over the next 12 months.

Carolyn has stressed a number of times that we are "on this journey today" and wants to open this up as an interactive session so please come and get involved. Hope to see you there!

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e2e, marketing, professional services